I've been making shrinky dink jewelery again.
Really, I'm just playing with potential charms should I made necklaces for my friends and bridesmaids. Carrie Mae=slightly stressed out about the overwhelmingly, stupidly small decisions that come along with getting married. Like what to tell your friends to wear, down to what hangs around their necks.
The raven and bats are vector shapes I was creating in photoshop anyway. The bat with it's wings pointed it up is... well, the design is stolen, frankly. I changed it a little bit but I saw this really pretty bat design that I liked somewhere on the internet -- I tweaked the parts I didn't like, but the extension of the wings is definitely lifted from someone else's idea. :(
Sheesh. I don't even know how/if to use these. I really need to be working on centerpieces and the guestbook.
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