It's been many years since I've bothered to make New Year's resolutions aimed at general self-improvement. I've found that the discouragement that results from unfulfilled promises to myself is best avoided by avoiding the promises altogether. This system has been working well for me.
Last year, however, I made for the first time, several Halloween Resolutions. My reasoning was that I would be more likely to keep these resolutions if they involved something I loved. While recently reflecting upon these resolutions, I was pleased to note that they had been largely fulfilled by the time October 31st, 2009 arrived. Thus, encouraged by the warmth of smug self-satisfaction, I once again take pen to paper. Or fingers to keyboard. And make my Halloween Resolutions for 2010.
This year's list is considerably shorter than last year's. In fact, all of my energy will be focused on just one major resolution. Last year, I had resolved to start building props earlier in the year. And start earlier I did. In a haphazard, unfocused sort of way. Projects were started. Projects were put aside. Some were completed. Some not. Serious organization and improvement is clearly needed here. Enter the New Year's Resolution:
I hereby resolve to create, at minimum, one new Halloween prop in each month of 2010.
That's it. My one resolution. One month; one completed prop. Minimum. Emphasis on "completed".
And January's project?
That outdoor tree that's been kicking around for a while now. Much pondered but never begun. It's time has finally come. I think I'll start today . . . or maybe tomorrow. I feel more organized already.
Happy New Year.
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