The wonderful thing about -30 C temperatures is the time they provide for reflection. Warm, indoor reflection. So it is that during these past few frigid days, I've found myself reflecting on Halloween. Specifically, Halloween 2011. And I've arrived at some conclusions.
Reflecting upon the way in which last year's well-intentioned-yet-doomed-from-the-start plan of a prop a month fell slightly short of the mark (and by "slightly short" I mean 6 or 7 months short), I have decided to simplify my prop-building in 2011. To adhere to traditional elements (like witches). To expand and modify those elements that have worked especially well in past years (like fences and flowers).
The upcoming replacement of some venetian blinds in my house has inspired me to extend my rickety Halloween fencing. The recycled blind slats should provide me with enough fence "pickets" to line my driveway. Perhaps even surround my entire front yard. The possibilities are endless. Now I just need to wait for the temperature to creep above 10 C and melt the snow and ice in my backyard/workshop.
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