Friday, 30 September 2011

Tomorrow is October!

That means the true countdown begins!!! I cannot wait.

Yes, I plan to participate in the daily Countdown to Halloween blogging. I'm sure you were all on the edge of your seats (...are those crickets I hear out there?), but now you can rest easy.

The Amazing Melting Poodle
My brain needed to apply a little structure to the whole thing this year, so I could be sure to plan out my blog appropriately -- I went through a lot of themes, tried on a lot of ideas, and come back feeling stale (Classic monster movies? Horror movie themes? Supernatural Beings? Color palettes? What to do?). Until I looked down at my adorable dog and thought to myself, "you know, I bet trying out a new animal theme each week would be fun."

So that's what you can expect during the month of October. Creatures. :) Four generally Halloween friendly beasts and insects, and all kinds of goodies (food/costume/craft/movie/whatever-I-feel-like ideas) to compliment them.

And if I find non-beastie-themed cool Halloween stuff around the internet? You'll be gifted with extra posts that day! LET THE HALLOWEEN MADNESS BEGIN!

Brach's Halloween Candies Ad

Circa 1950s

adjustment problems

My new job is destroying the quality of my Halloween life.  It's not really a new job anymore.  But this is the first Halloween to come along since I started.  Prior to getting this job, I was out of work for a year and a half.   And before that, I spent months working for a company in what turned out to be its dying days.  Requiring my presence, but providing me with little to do.

As a result, I've had a few years with ample free time.  Time to plan and build props.  Time to explore the hills and valleys of the Internet.   Time to experiment with new recipes.  In the past, I had prepared for Halloween while working, of course.  I had made the time.  And I was confident that I could find the time once again.  It would simply require an adjustment.  But it seems that the adjustment period is taking longer than I had anticipated.   For which I blame my longer-than-expected hours and the resulting zombie-like state in which I find myself at the end of most work days.

And now, with October on my doorstep, I'm beginning to panic.  So I'm taking a deep breath, making myself a large cup of pumpkin chai (with little candy pumpkins!) and re-evaluating my Halloween plans.

Regarding outdoor props, my buzzwords are . . .  "Simplify" (even more than I had originally intended) and "Re-purpose".   I'm still planning on a couple of new additions, but some old classics will definitely be dusted off and freshened up.   Regarding indoor props, my buzzwords are . . . "Zip", "Zero", and "Zilch".   Nothing new this year.   Allowing me to devote my October evenings to savouring the aroma of my new pumpkin pie and candy corn candles, to watching always-entertaining black-and-white horror classics, and to baking with as much nutmeg, cinnamon and pumpkin as I can incorporate.

And hoping that I can adjust to my work schedule more successfully in 2012.

ATC - Things That Go Bump In the Night - Maude

This is the sixth ATC in my tombstone/vampire series...

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Halloween Decor Edited


A hint of a holiday approaching.

Distractions become tempered by clean 
and simple vignettes.

Inspired by the notion that simplicity and 
clarity lead to good design I find myself greatly 
editing this season's holiday decor. The vibrant, 
joyfully jumbled displays have been supplanted 
with understated arrangements subtly woven 
throughout my home. The temptation to display 
my entire Halloween collection is strong but 
I am finding the change refreshing and the 
shift in perspective illuminating.

ATC - Things That Go Bump In the Night - Agnes

This is the fifth ATC in my tombstone/vampire series...

Pierrot Party

Circa 1930s

of fishing towns and crystal skulls

I had long since given up on the possibility of finding the elusive crystal skull of vodka at my local liquor store.   I had buried the resentment I felt that vodka made in Newfoundland was unobtainable just one province away.  I had overcome my bitterness that Dan Ackroyd, Canadian Dan Ackroyd, had not stepped up to ensure that this product with which he was associated, was readily available to all of his fellow countrymen.
And then I walked into the liquor store in Digby.

I found myself in Digby on a recent fall weekend road trip. And as on any road trip, a visit to the local liquor store is an absolute necessity. When I saw the display standing prominently in the centre of the store, I was surprised.  But merely assumed that it was finally being made more widely available.   Not so, said the clerk.  This vodka would not be found at any other liquor store in the region.   It was obtained specifically for this location.  So what makes Digby special?   The occasion, each Labour Day weekend, of the Wharf Rat Rally.    Apparently there's nothing bikers love more than crystal skulls of vodka, and a supply is ordered especially for the event.  I suppose I should feel fortunate that there was some stock left over.

And now, I am gradually working on emptying my new possession.  Nothing quenches the remnants of bitterness and resentment like vodka from a skull-shaped bottle.

All is forgiven, Mr. Ackroyd.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

ATC - Things That Go Bump In the Night - Maria

This is the fourth ATC in my tombstone/vampire series...

roadside pumpkins

On a road trip last weekend, I saw pumpkins everywhere. It warmed my heart.

Even though my heart didn't need much warming since the weather felt more like July than late September. Maybe it's this sudden rash of heat and humidity that's responsible for my sudden rash of pumpkin rot.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Great Find: Bat Art

Twisted Bats Project @ Can't Stop Making Things 

ATC - Things That Go Bump In the Night - Isabella

This is the third ATC in my tombstone/vampire series...

Monday, 26 September 2011

1959 Halloween Post Cereal Ad

I love these old ads!

ATC - Things that Go Bump in the Night - Arabella

This is the second ATC in my tombstone/vampire series...

Sunday, 25 September 2011

ATC - Things That Go Bump In the Night - Clarissa

The first ATC in my tombstone/vampire series...

Vintage Halloween Ad - Craker Jack

Circa 1950s


This is what happens when I become too smug and confident.I was in the front yard tending to my pumpkin plants.  Marvelling at how, thanks to a mid-summer growth spurt, I would have six decent-sized pumpkins to carve come Halloween.   Not huge. but large enough.   My daughter was on the veranda.  Looking at the pumpkin that had grown between my veranda posts.   And had received that dent.  When suddenly, she said,  "Look. This looks bad."

From where I was standing, she appeared to be pointing to a small dark spot on the pumpkin's side. "Nonsense," I replied, accustomed as I was to less-than-perfect pumpkins, "it's just one more part of this guy's unique character. It'll be fine." But by the next day, one spot had become several . . .

. . . and six pumpkins were on their way to becoming five.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Vintage Skeleton Illustration

~Feel free to save and use~

evening snack

The spiders in my backyard had a productive day.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Make a Halloween Quilt

Copyright:  Blackbird Designs

Have you ever thought of making a Halloween quilt?  I have.  I actually have 3 bed-sized Halloween quilts and multiple Halloween wall quilts.  I thought this pattern was wonderful.  If you're a quilter and interested, you can find the pattern on line here:

If you've made this quilt, Please post a comment with a link to your site.  I'm always eager to see Halloween quilts.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Halloween Entertaining by Kraft Foods - Mummy Dip

**Photo by Kraft**
Isn't this cute?  There are so many great recipes for Halloween parties and gatherings at Kraft.  Here's the link for the Mummy Dip:


We take a break now from our regularly scheduled program (i.e. the blogging of the initial Halloween setup around my house), to bring you news of ZOMBIES and RUNNING!

I've been running since last year (proof), and I've long thought about posting my overactive-imagination complimentary plan to Couch-to-5k. In fact, I thought I had already posted about my crazy-person addition to the C25k program.

Here's the basics of C25k:

  • Be new to running
  • Download an app (if you want to)
  • Load up some music
  • Hit the pavement 3 days a week for 9 weeks, and the end of which you can run for 30 minutes straight, and (in theory) finish a 5k
It's pretty awesome on it's own, but for extra motivation I have always:
  • Pretended to run from zombies
That's an oversimplification, but the basics are to pick something to signify zombies (on my running route, zombies = people walking dogs). When you see them, run faster or further than your brain was telling you to. Then, there are other survivors you need to outlast (for me: other runners); you must realign your stance, breathe a little better, go a little faster, or in some way keep pace with them to successfully outwit the zombies. 

That's how I motivate myself on my runs: it's all about survival for when the dead actually rise. And more importantly, it becomes a distracting game. 

But then someone went out and made my idea 20-bazillion times better! Check this out: ZOMBIES, RUN!

Okay, so it's still in the works and looking for funding. I won't tell you how to spend your money, but they do have rewards for $10+ donations (if you're interested, you can check out the site).

And once you're really in the zombie-survival running spirit, you can up the challenge by participating in a Zombie Obstacle 5k! Run For Your Lives!!! Starting Oct 22, this 5k obstacle course (with actual zombie-chasing-you action) is coming to Baltimore. Then Atlanta, Boston, Indianapolis, Seattle/Portland, San Diego/Los Angeles, and finally Austin.

I'm so glad that the running world understands how important it is to prepare for the pending zombie apocalypse.

candy apples revisited

I have made no secret of my disdain for candy apples. Beginning with my earliest childhood memories, I have never understood their attraction. Nor the esteem in which they are held by so many. It always seemed that, once you managed to penetrate the thin, sticky, tooth-shattering exterior, you were left with simply a mealy, half-chewed apple. What was so wonderful about that?

In later years, I tried re-creating candy apples myself.  Believing that my own creations would be far more delectable.  They weren't.  So I dismissed the idea of candy apples entirely.  Oh, they were out there.  I saw them.  I witnessed their continued inexplicable popularity. But they no longer had a place in my life. 

And then a co-worker began to wax eloquently about the joys of candy apples from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.  Possessing a lifelong interest in chocolate, I am of course familiar with this store. And I pass their display of candy apples each time I enter the store, en route to the chocolate and fudge.  I've never had any interest in trying their candy apples, however.  They could dress them up all they liked; at their heart, they remained . . . candy apples.

But she insisted.  They were delicious, she said.  Unlike any other candy apple.  And they used their own chocolate.  And maybe that was the word that weakened my resolve.  Chocolate.

So I broke down and bought one.  The Skor Apple.  With caramel and chocolate and Skor toffee bits.  It was huge.  And pricey.  And likely enough to feed six people.

And it was indeed delicious.  The small slice I had was more than enough.  Working alone, it would take me days to finish this.  And as I savoured the layers of caramel and chocolate and toffee, I reflected upon the success of this particular apple.  Why had it succeeded in pleasing me when so many others had failed so miserably?


In the end, I came to the conclusion that the secret is in the candy-to-apple ratio.  Thick, thick, thick layers of candy surrounding an average sized apple.  Maximum candy; minimum apple.  Clearly the secret to success.  That, and an absence of red sticky coating.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Halloween 2011: The (un)Living Room


Vintage Image - The Haunted Mansion

What an amazing building!  Thought I'd share.

that's no baby

I would have to place these in the same category of creepiness as dolls and puppets.

Wal-Mart has taken a decidedly disturbing turn.  Or maybe it's just me . . .

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Vintage Postcard - Hoot Owl Moon


Halloween 2011: The Dining Room


 Damn, those spiders are BAD this year. They've covered everything in webbies!

Oh well, at least Uncle Irvin's potrait looks happy ... in the reflection (don't you just love those cheesy lenticulars? this one plays sounds. Goodness help me if my husband realizes this and starts pushing the button).

ATC - Owl Hollow II


Monday, 19 September 2011

ATC - All Hail Poe

This ATC is for an E.A. Poe swap at VPI Yahoo Group 

Halloween 2011: The Entry Table


Just setting out the odds and ends at this point. This is my entry table -- full of crafts and gifts from years past.

Like the long-nosed Venetian mask; it's not wearable, but it looks appropriate creepy just sitting about as part of the decor. I still want to host a Halloween Masked Ball some year -- if I do, I'll make one that doesn't need to be tied on. And in the background you'll also see a wine-bottle candle holder; the label is from Love Manor's collection, I think. I really thought about using these as part of my wedding centerpieces, but in the end abandoned the idea for fear they wouldn't be steady and would catch my guests on fire (my friends drink).
The right side of the table just has a few pieces of wedding-memorabilia: a little tree that was, I think, on the treat table. One of the "Eek" signs that spotted around the house, and a glass candleabra that one of my bridesmaids gifted me. 

And goth-darn-it, I don't think I ever posted about my adventure in re-finishing some lampshades. Or if I did, I can't find the post. At any rate, I made them all dark and lacy. And added what might be the most subtle faux-spider-webbing that I have ever managed.

softball and pumpkins

This past weekend was the last official weekend of summer. But it felt much more like the first weekend of autumn. Within a day, temperatures veered from summer-like to crisp to absolutely frigid.  But nonetheless, still being summer, it meant that summer activities were still occurring.  Like my daughter's softball tournament.  Being a dutiful parent, I watched most of the games.  But during the hour-long warm-ups, I tended to wander off.  And on one of my walks, I encountered a tree that looked as though it had miniature pumpkins hanging from it.

When I got closer, I recognized it for what it really was.  But I prefer to stand back and squint.  Then, I'm not looking at a Mountain Ash.  I'm looking at a Halloween Tree.

Vintage Halloween JOL Postcard with Masked Girl

Free image....please feel free to save and use!

ATC - The Owls Serenade


Sunday, 18 September 2011

ATC - Owl Hollow I

For a swap at VPI Yahoo Group in October

Halloween 2011: The Decoration Starts!

The rule around the house is (after much convincing by my darling man): we don't start decorating until after his birthday, which falls in mid-September, and we take everything down by Thanksgiving. I keep out a few skulls and have general freedom for haunted-house chic year-round, but for specifically Halloween decor, that's my window.

So Saturday was the first weekend day where the boxes could come down from the attic and I could start setting things out. OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!

I'm an interior haunter; my yard is spook-free. I have yet to think about themes or specific props this year, so I decided to just dig into storage and go whole-hog on all the nifty little odds and ends I've collected or been gifted over the years.

I will post some set-up pictures over the next few days. Just to start sharing the spirit of the season. But I cannot wait to start crafting and seeing what wonderful prop ideas all my Halloween bloggy friends are pulling together this year. It's so exciting!

For the Poe Lover....Nevermore Candy Box

I love this box.  It's reasonably priced at $12.00 too!  Here's the link:





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