Thursday, 30 December 2010

To Wish You Happiness...

...In the New Year!

~Here's to 2011!~

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

scarecrows for Christmas


It's comforting to see a scarecrow sharing house space with Christmas lights. Even a smiley-happy scarecrow. I encountered this guy lounging on a balcony during a Boxing Day walk.

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas


Christmas Day gains a whole new meaning when it brings a giant Santa Claus marauding through your village. Makes me feel grateful I wasn't alive in 1958.

Merry Christmas to all.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

too little, too late


So I'm down at Sobeys, replenishing my supply of Santa's Milk and Cookies ice cream. When I notice something in the freezer beside said ice cream. Something orange. Upon closer inspection, I discover, there next to Santa's Milk and Cookies, heretofore unseen containers of Praline Pumpkin Pie ice cream. Many, many, many containers of Praline Pumpkin Pie ice cream.

Was this ice cream available in my grocery store in October? No it was not. Nor was it available in any previous October. In fact, the perpetual lack of pumpkin and/or Halloween themed delicacies has been a lament of mine for many years. But despite the poor timing of the product's arrival, I immediately purchased some. How could I not? Pralines. Pumpkin pie. What's not to love?

What's not to love? This ice cream, that's what. Pasty. Bland. Thoroughly unappetizing. It's continued presence in my freezer speaks volumes. And this, in a family that routinely devours 2 litre containers of ice cream in under 48 hours. It seems poor timing is not the only problem here. Pumpkin Pie Praline could learn some serious lessons from Santa's Milk and Cookies.

If Only It Snowed in Georgia

I would be making "Snowhouse of Horrors" creations like you would not even believe! Check it out; NPR found and posted a really fantastic slideshow collection:


In my whole life I've ever gotten to make a snowman maybe a handful of times. And they were mucky with twigs and Georgia Red Clay because there wasn't really enough of the white-stuff to be making snow-critters. So those of you fortunate enough to know what snow really looks like, maybe make a creepy snow sculpture for me this year? And send pictures?

It's almost Christmas and I'm still wearing light jackets outside.

Friday, 17 December 2010

two birds with one cloak

I've been giving considerable thought recently to the insanity that was the final week of October. The week before Halloween is always a busy one. But this year, the madness was multiplied by the presence of Hal-Con, my city's first comic/sci-fi convention, and judging by the turnout, not its last. With Hal-Con promising to be an annual event and with its likely continuing proximity to Halloween, I need a strategy to preserve my mental health.

And I believe I have one. In a word: Nazgul.

Yes, Frodo's pursuers may be just what I'm looking for. The ideal Halloween/Hal-con compromise.

Costumes suitable for a sci-fi/fantasy/comic convention. With the all-important requirement of complete facial coverage demanded by my teenagers. And of course, menacing, black-robed creatures are always welcome on Halloween night. I haven't quite decided on next year's theme, but chances are good that I can fit in a ringwraith somewhere. Certainly more easily than a Tusken Raider. And best of all, these costumes appear to fall well within the range of my sewing and gluing abilities. If I can piece together four Tusken Raiders, surely I can handle these.

Yes. Nazgul. The obvious solution when Halloween and Hal-Con collide.

Sunday, 12 December 2010


While the combination of starting a new job and getting hit by the worst cold in memory has left me with little time or inclination for any activity that hasn't centred around lying on a couch clutching a box of Kleenex and a mug of tea, I managed to drag myself off the couch and downtown on the weekend for some Christmas shopping. Because I'm not sure how this happened, but Christmas is suddenly a mere two weeks away.

My retail wanderings led me into a local comic book shop in search of a Wonder Woman action figure for a friend. I didn't find the action figure. But the trip wasn't wasted. Because there in the shop, propped up on a side table, was a game. And not just any game. Nightmare Before Christmas Monopoly. I stood there. Mesmerized. Sure, I'm familiar with the countless "-opolies" out there: Horse-opoly, Beer-opoly, Nintendo-opoly, and their ilk. But I had not previously encountered this version.

I love The Nightmare Before Christmas. And the sight of the game reminded me just how much. It beckoned to me. With its colourful board and its character games pieces. I picked it up. Turned it over slowly in my hands. Perhaps an early Christmas present, I reasoned. For myself. And then I remembered . . .

I hate Monopoly. In all its incarnations. I've hated it since childhood. Everyone seemed to own it. Including me, after it was delivered one Christmas by a misguided Santa Claus who was obviously influenced by popularity and advertising. Everyone seemed to love it. Except me. Everyone seemed to always want to play it. Except me.

But play it, I did. Despite my objections. Despite my desperate attempts to direct attention to other and, in my opinion, far more enjoyable board games. Despite my best efforts, I was always voted down. Inevitably, I would succumb to the pressures of playing Monopoly. And I would always lose. Always. Which I'm sure has absolutely nothing to do with my lifelong disdain for the game.

So as I stood there in the comic book shop, game in hand, these conflicting emotions surged through my mind. And I quietly placed the game back on the table and stepped away. Even Jack and Sally and Oogie Boogie couldn't help me overcome a lifetime of negativity. There would be no "Nightmare Before Christmas -opoly" in my home. Never. But maybe I can find a nice Nightmare Before Christmas version of Uno. Or Operation. Or perhaps Scrabble . . .

Friday, 10 December 2010

O Hai

Dear Friends and Readers;

I am buried in a deep, dark hole of work and holidays. I miss you all and am seeking time to blog.

Don't think I've forgotten you.

Carrie Mae

Thursday, 9 December 2010

A Santa Jack-o-lantern Man?

I found this rare image on Ebay.  To me it looks like a Santa Jack-o-Lantern Man.  It also says Merry Halloween...what do you think?

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Tis the Season to be Jolly


Saturday, 27 November 2010

preparing for winter . . . and hell


I expect it to get quite cold in these parts in the coming weeks. But not cold enough to resort to this. Truly frightening.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

A rare Thanksgiving postcard with a Jack-o-lantern.  Please feel free to save and use.

Here's wishing everyone a blessed Thanksgiving Day!

Monday, 22 November 2010

trees and cats


It was with mixed emotions that I approached the dis-assembly of my two outdoor Halloween tress. I was pleased with their appearance on Halloween night. But after repeatedly running out into the wind and rain of late October to rapidly take them down and drag them to the safety of the front porch, my patience with them began to wear a little thin.

So as I prepared to take them down for the last time, after Halloween night, and put them into storage, I reflected on how I might use them in future years. They would never again grace the front yard as free-standing trees. That much was certain. The styrofoam I used had proven too thin, despite a wire and cement-block core, to withstand the incessant wind and rain of a Maritime October. But perhaps they could find new purpose. As indoor trees or as two-dimensional trees, resting securely against the side of the house or the porch railings. Out of the rain and wind. Yes, that could work.

While these possibilities revolved through my mind, I dis-assembled the trees, laid them on the floor of the porch and then turned my attention to the disassembly of the fence. At which point, my faithful cat, Lucky, climbed onto the porch, walked across the surface of the prostrate trees, paused, and began to . . . relieve himself on them.

All of which made my decision about the future of said trees much, much easier.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

sinking fast


Halloween was followed by nearly a solid week and rain and wind. My intrepid little pumpkins survived, thanks to the shelter of the front porch and the shrubs. And a few blown leaves. Nevertheless, it's clear to me that they are reaching the end of their lives. But I can't bear to say good-bye to them just yet.

Friday, 12 November 2010



Can't help but feel a twinge of sadness for candy corn. When all the other Halloween candy jars have long since been emptied, the candy corn remains. Neglected and unappreciated.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

I Pity the Fool Who Don't Value Amazing Halloween Costumes

You may remember awhile back that I crocheted a Mr. T head for a friend (a 'friend' who found a new job an abandoned me, but a friend all the same) in honor of the new A-Team movie.

Well, said friend also made me proud at Halloween this year. You must wear your amazement openly upon seeing this awesomeness:

Mr T Halloween Costume

This is my favorite Halloween costume of 2010. There is no question; he did an epic job.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Finally! I can show you pictures

Universal Studios Pumpkins

Okay, I can now finally prove that I met the Captain. Though, if you're following his blog as you should be, then you already have seen his version of the evidence.

Me, showing my true face, with the Captain!

Just LOOK at how FREAKISHLY tall the man is! I was there, folks. Don't let his crazy talk about my shortness fool you -- I am obviously a very tall woman. He's just 8 or 9 feet or something. In no way am I short. Nope. Not at all.

Also, visiting him at work was a mistake. Not nearly enough time! Next opportunity we make dinner plans. The Captain is even more likable in person than over the series of tubes we call the internet; his coworkers were plenty nice too. :) Which was good, because I was nervous about meeting.

Making his acquaintance was one of the top moments of my vacation, and I have every expectation that we will have the chance again in the (near) future.


More Halloversary trip Photos for your amusement:

Waluigi and Wario
Waluigi and Wario terrorized kiddies at Disney

Most commonly overheard conversation of the night:

PARENT: "Oh look! There's Mario and Luigi!"
KID: *rolls eyes* "Mooooooom..." (or 'Daaaaaad') "... that's Wario and Waluigi!"

My husband made a point to "Waaaaah!" and shake his fist at every miniature Mario and Luigi he came across. Most of the kids really seemed to like it. :)

Trick or Treats
Those villainous Wario Brothers also got TONS of candy (why no, I am not ashamed to Trick-or-Treat as an adult)

Hollywood Studios - The guy in the picture robbed a blood bank
We're still on the lookout for the guy who robbed the Blood Bank at Disney

Captain Eo
My husband made me ride the scariest ride at the park... Captain Eo.

Downtown Disney - Yarrrrrrrrrrrrr
I found a possible new boyfriend; my husband thought he was a pretty cool guy, so he jumped in the picture too.

In Zonkos Joke Shop
Of course we visited the shops at Hogsmeade; I was surrounded by muggles ("Whose wand is it you got again? And which one was he?")

Three Broomsticks Entrance
I had butterbeer (frozen and unfrozen), real beer, and Pumpkin Juice - along with lunch at the Three Broomsticks!!! *Harry Potter nerdliness is satisfied until the movie comes out*

Hogsmeade Shop Window Sign

It was a great trip and a nice 1 year anniversary. Next year, though, we're planning a Halloween party of some kind. The new countdown begins!
Happy Halloversary!



Last weekend marked the arrival of not just Halloween, but also of Hal-Con. The first comic and sci-fi convention held in my city in many years. The timing was unfortunate. Any time of year other than Halloween would have been preferable. Two great passions were colliding. There was no question of choosing one over the other. They would both have to be squeezed into one weekend. I anticipated a tight fit. And complete exhaustion at the end. I was correct.

Hal-Con was a huge success.

Hundreds crowded the Lord Nelson Hotel.

There were heroes . . .

. . . and villains . . .

. . . . and celebrities and icons.

And in the midst of it all, there was a small but intrepid group of sandpeople who arrived from the desert planet of Tatooine.

They had come for the festivities . . .

. . . and for the opportunity to put aside petty differences and reunite with old acquaintances . . .

. . . because Tusken Raiders are sociable creatures . . .

. . . who enjoy meeting new people . . .

. . . and make friends easily. . .

. . . which made the journey across the galaxy worthwhile . . .

. . . and left them eagerly anticipating next year's convention.

If this year's success is any indication, there will certainly be a Hal-Con in 2011. Likely on the same weekend. Most people seemed to think the timing was a great idea. I'd better start preparing now.

Friday, 5 November 2010

it's a sickness


In past Halloween seasons, I have always created humanoid props for my yard. Graveyard mourners. Halloween witches. Random cloaked creatures. Depending upon the theme, I would populate my yard and front steps with one or more of these creatures.

But this year, I decided against it. I planned for a haunted garden theme and focused on trees and flowers and spiders and grasshoppers. I simply couldn't find time to fit in anything that walked on two legs. I hadn't even gotten around to many of the garden inhabitants I had intended to create. Like bats and butterflies. Creepy butterflies.

I ignored my family's protests. Brushed aside their dismay that this would be the first year without what they refer to as "dummies". There would be other years, I explained. Change is good. You'll get over it. I was somewhat more surprised, however, at the reactions of neighbours. They approached me as I set up trees and flowers and garden fencing festooned with withered pumpkin vines. Inquiring as to when the "people" would appear, and appearing genuinely disappointed when told that this year, it was all about the plants and the bugs.

I remained committed to my original plan.

But as I dug through my box of Halloween supplies, pushing aside styrofoam heads, I questioned my decision. And as I stood in the shed organizing the spray paint cans, I couldn't help noticing some prop parts from past years. Now lying neglected in the corner. Perhaps the garden could use a gardener. Or maybe someone to relax on a garden bench and enjoy the surroundings. It wasn't too late to put together a quick prop. Of course it wasn't. There was still one more day until Halloween. And what was I thinking? I couldn't possibly let Halloween arrive without frantically creating at least one last minute prop. It's a sickness.

So there she sat. She showed up just in time for Halloween night. She's not pretty. But she was popular. And she was the perfect companion for my poor weather-beaten spider.

Thursday, 4 November 2010



There is just one irritating drawback to the use of cattails in outdoor props. *cough*

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Time to Sign Off for Another Year...

Halloween is over for another year.  I would like to thank all my faithful followers and I hope you've enjoyed your stay.  I will post occasionally but it's now time to put this blog to bed until Spring, 2011.  I hope you will continue to follow my art journey at my year-round blog, Nostalgic Collage:

Great Day

Today I got a replica of Sirius Black's wand, sloshed about happily in the rain, and best of all--I got to say hello to the wonderful Captain ,in the flesh!! I have pictures to prove this statement, but it will be a few days before I can post them.

Not to ruin his creepy reputation, but he is super-dee-duper nice and ridiculously likable.

What a great day!

And Mr. Macabre: we are coming for you. Plan on it--we need a group meet-up. :)

halloween night

It was an enjoyable Halloween night in spite of the rain. And in spite of a grasshopper that turned out more "cute" than sinister. And in spite of the chaos that resulted from having a sci-fi convention coincide with Halloween. At least next year, with Halloween on a Monday, I'll have a day to catch my breath.

Lights out for another year.





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