Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Trying to get ahead...

...but feeling so behind.
I begin each day with the best of intentions.
Really, I do. It's not for lack of trying. Life is
taking center stage this week and I am called
upon to play the Ringmaster. So I leave with you
a peep show of sorts, of the cast of characters
who lie in wait undone, as I wrestle with the
main events of the day.

when will it stop?

My plans for this week were to drag the remnants of last year's graveyard fence out from under the deck and repair it. The wind and the neighbourhood delinquents had taken their toll on the fence last Halloween. We are talking about plastic window blind slats and styrofoam, after all. But I liked the original idea. It was cheap and easy. Always a winning combination with me. So I've decided to patch it up and perhaps create a couple of new sections. This week's project.

Unfortunately, those good intentions have yet to see the light of day. Mostly because there hasn't been much light during the day. At least not the kind that emanates from the sun. Of the past eleven days, the sun has shone for exactly one of them. The remainder have involved some combination of pouring rain, drizzle, heavy mist, or all of the above. Not ideal conditions for my workshop (aka my deck and backyard). But there is hope. As of this morning, a drying trend, with perhaps some sunshine, is in the forecast for Saturday. Only four more days. So it would appear that this week's project has become this weekend's project. Maybe.

I'm beginning to feel like a character in that Ray Bradbury story. The one in which the sun shines for one day in about eight years and everyone rushes outside to enjoy it. And then back inside again for another eight years. Sounds familiar.

Forkable Find! (also, wouldn't an eyeball party be neat?)


Check out the "Eye Popping Treats" over at Forkable (this blog is beyond nifty).

I think an "eyeball buffet" plan might be in order soon. These are sweet peanut butter treats, but I have other eyeball recipes for mozarella+olive eyeballs swimming in blood(tomato) soup, lychee fruit eyeballs (yum, yum, yum), devilled egg-eye-balls, etc etc etc.

Maybe a "Hill Have Eyes" party? Or just an "eye see you" party, with little shining eyeball lights or little eye-shaped cutouts on the wall?

I've got to ponder this some more.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Teresa Cedar Junction
Martha MJ Ornaments
Louie The Pink Gate
Missy Fairy Child Heirlooms
A big heart felt THANK YOU to all my Fantastical Followers
for filling my weekend with good times and giggles.



Gattaca meets Underworld meets I am Legend

Sunday, 28 June 2009

The Sounds of Halloween for $1

I detoured for a few minutes on Saturday when I saw The Sounds of Halloween/Halloween Horrors record sitting outside an antique shop on Marietta Square (Antiques on the Square).

For $1 US, I now own a wonderfully kitchy record of Halloween sound effects. I think it's a prime investment in decor for my bookshelves, at the very least.

I was on my way to a costume shop with my grandmother (that's the back of her head there in the photo, bottom left corner), so there wasn't much time to peruse the aisles in the antique shop, but from what I saw I'm going to have to go back.

Good job, Antiques on the Square, for luring me in with Halloween record bait.

Can't wait to go to my parents house and rescue my record player now. ;)

ATC - Magical Night


dead or alive


An unprovoked assault has been committed on a number of young pumpkin plants in the area.

While several suspects have been seen fleeing the scene of the crime, no charges have been laid due to a lack of tangible evidence.

However, security teams are in place and are confident that capture is imminent.

Further updates will be provided as this situation unfolds.

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Costume Shopping with Grandmother

I think visiting costume shops as a little girl is one of the things that inspired me to love all things Halloween. We only got to go a few times, just before this monster Halloween party my parents went to every year when I was young; after they got home, I'd make my Mom tell me every excruciating detail she could remember about the costumes and the decor, refusing to go to sleep until she'd gone over every bit, right down to the skeleton in a wheelchair that the hostess used to block of the upstairs bedrooms from her guests... I wanted to go so badly.

Today was my first visit to a costume rental shop since I was about 8 or 9. My grandmother needed a "flapper" dress to wear to a Rose Society event in November (she's going as a "Flapper Rose"). It was wonderful.

Vintage by Judith is off Marietta square, through this incredible door. Right away I liked the place.

Then you march up some terrifically steep stairs. I liked this part as well; it made the whole event feel more mysterious and hidden.

They had vintage wear of all kinds. Rows and rows of it. I was in Heaven.

I found my back-up wedding dress in one of the back rooms, I think. The back rooms are filled with actual vintage wedding gowns and all the hoop-skirted formal wear that the sororities rent out when they have their civil war era formals(they're strange like that here in the south).

Since the wedding is going to allow costumes, my mom suggested I have my bridesmaids rent gowns here. I'm still mulling that over; it would be cool, but I am not convinced that just having them in black/silver/orange formal wear with the option of masks wouldn't do the trick just as well. I will definitely give the information about the shop to my guests, though.

Decisions, decisions.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Mad Tea Party

Today's the day! I thought it would never get here.
The 2nd annual Mad Tea Party hosted by
Vanessa at A FANCIFUL TWIST is now underway!
I'm soooo looking forward to spending
time this weekend blog hopping the party sites.

These are non edible paper clay treats. For display only.

I wouldn't be a very good party host without
offering you some sort of refreshment.
I was up til the wee hours packaging small batches
of mini Alice treats. You can find them in my
ETSY shop by clicking HERE.

Last but not least...
On Monday I will draw a name from my list of
goodie bag of party treats. You can enter my
by FOLLOWING this blog.
Click on FOLLOW button in the left column.



One of several new little ghosts for my Halloween tree. And this time, I remembered to poke the holes for the hooks before they dried. That's real progress.

Buffy vs. Edward

[edit: don't know why this didn't post when scheduled... very peculiar]

I LOL'd, then I LOL'd some more.

Sorry Twilight fans, I just can't get behind that series. I've tried.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Dead Tree Invitations

dead tree inviteAs always, I can't recommend a vendor I haven't bought from - but I thought this design was worth sharing. Personally, I love the dead tree look.

I think rouxbee had quite a nice, nontraditional aesthetic sense for wedding invitations. They are a bit under-designed, but that's kind of what I like about them. They are very traditional, but with the twisting flower vines replaced with dead trees of the delicate scroll work slightly splattered in a grunge effect.

She and I must have the same design hobbies and internet browsing habits, because I recognize both the tree and the font in the pictured design as belonging to freeware sets I downloaded ages ago:By sharing this, I'm definitely *not* encouraging anyone to steal the design. I just kind of found it funny - I knew most of the fonts and brushes she used for her the work posted in her shop.

Her aesthetic sense plays out differently than mine would, but how interesting that we frequent the same sites and pick all the same fonts and brushes.

fun with leftovers

I've had leftover pumpkin pie filling sitting in my fridge since the day of the pumpkin gingerbread ice cream sandwiches. The time had come to use it or freeze it. It was time then for one of my favourite culinary activities. Scouring the kitchen for leftovers and other assorted ingredients, throwing them together and possibly eating the results.

Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it doesn't.

The pumpkin pie filling was my obvious starting point. There was some molasses left over from the gingerbread cookie part of the aforementioned recipe. And some pecans. Not left over from anything. Just waiting.

At this point, I had one thought: pumpkin-molasses tarts. And why not pumpkin-molasses pie? Simple. Pie crust is not my forte. But shortbread dough is. And shortbread dough makes delicious little tart shells. So I made a quick batch of the world's easiest shortbread dough.


World's Easiest Shortbread

1 cup butter
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 cups flour

Mix together.


One the dough had been shaped into the world's easiest little tart shells, I turned my attention to the filling. I have no real recipe to include here because I just kept adding ingredients until it tasted good to me. But I think it went something like this:

1 cup pumpkin pie filling
1/4 cup molasses
1/4 cup evaporated milk
cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice to taste

I filled the shells, popped a toasted pecan on each one, and put them into a 350F oven. Then I waited about 20 minutes. Then I ate one. Or two.

Would I make these again? Yes.

Would I do anything differently? Oh, yes.

Starting with pumpkin puree instead of canned pie filling. And more molasses. But that just might be me. I'm a bit of a molasses fanatic. And I might chop the pecans and add them to the filling. But despite the significant room for improvement, these were fun, tasty, and absolutely delicious with ice cream.

But then, I have yet to meet a dessert that isn't delicious with ice cream.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

wedding excitement

I'm all bubbly today! leaving in 10 minutes to go down to my parents' house, where we will be meeting with the minister who will likely being marrying us. Yay, yay, yay!!

Also, I made a progress update on my wedding plans over at Halloweddings on Livejournal: read it here, if you would like.

Ooo... I'm going to get married to the guy I love, and it's going to be awesome!

Wedding Invite - Humorous and Adorable

I'm starting to think about my wedding invitation (omg it's getting so close!!!), and ran across this today. I love the style and the humor, not that I would want it.

Click here to actually be able to read it (gosh blogger stinks for sizing images once uploaded... pain. in. the. neck.)

retail pumpkin sighting


The first pumpkins of the season have appeared. At Michael's, of course. This store takes advance preparation to a whole new level. They even bring out their seasonal merchandise ahead of Dollarama. Now that's impressive.

I feel like a criminal whenever I take a photo of items in a store. Maybe it's the way sales clerks watch me suspiciously as I wander the aisles, camera in hand. Maybe it's a result of the time I was followed, accosted, and almost tossed out of Bulk Barn for having the audacity to photograph their candy corn. I understand. Those retail display secrets must be protected at all costs. After all, it's not like anyone can simply walk into a store and see them.

So now I use my cell phone camera. What I lose in picture quality, I gain in dignity and personal safety.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Gourdqueens Scream Award


I would like to thank Magikal Seasons for my very first Halloween Blog Award (for being a Halloween blog), how fun! You can visit her wonderful blog at: http://magikalseasons.blogspot.com/
According to Halloween Spirit I'm to pass this award on to up to 10 blogs I adore. So, without further ado, here are my choices that I feel touch the fun spirit of Halloween:
1. Tinsel and Whimsy because I love her folk-art style: http://tinsellandwhimsy.blogspot.com/
2. King of Mice Studios because Carolee's work is beyond compare: http://kingofmicestudios.blogspot.com/
3. Pumpkin Hollow because I so enjoy her darling pumpkins: http://thepumpkinhollow.blogspot.com/
4. Howling Moons because I adore all her work: http://howlingmoonsblog.blogspot.com/
5. Debra at Hop Hop Jingle Boo because I love her work and her blog: http://hophopjingleboo.blogspot.com/
There are so many more but I'm trying not to duplicate the award. To ALL the people who maintain a Halloween blog all year long, I toast you with a cup of spiced apple cider. Just over 4 months to Halloween! - Kris


It started raining on Saturday and it still hasn't stopped. At first, this wasn't a bad thing. With no sunshine to beckon me outside, I went out and rented all of the remaining available Lost DVD's and spent most of Sunday immersed in a Lost marathon. Yes, I had resolved to pace myself more slowly with these. But that resolve crumbled under two days of incessant rain.

So my Lost viewing was complete for now. But still the rain continued. I searched for another indoor activity. I could engage in intensive house-cleaning. I could clean out my closets and storage spaces. I could browse in a bookstore.

While at Chapters, a few books caught my attention. The graphic novelization of Agatha Christie's Halloween Party is one I've had my eye on for a while. But I've read every mystery that Agatha Christie wrote, and Halloween Party doesn't stand out as one of my favourites. Despite the victim and method of murder. An obnoxious pre-teen has her head held under water in an apple-bobbing bucket. Interesting to see in a graphic novel format, but not interesting enough to persuade me to part with almost $20. I came much closer to buying On A Raven's Wing. A collection of short mystery stories inspired by Poe or by some aspect of one of his stories.

And I likely would have gone home with it had I not spotted another book. Halifax Haunts. I hadn't realized it, but this is the book I've been waiting for.

I love historical "true" ghost stories. Especially those that take place in my own backyard. But detailed local ghost stories have been surprisingly difficult to find. I've been able to gather bits and pieces. A ghost walk here. A cemetery tour there. A Halloween event. A vague chapter or two within a broader collection of stories. But well-researched, detailed stories about the ghosts who inhabit my city? Not really. Until now. Steve Vernon has kindly collected, researched, written (and perhaps slightly embellished) 33 Halifax ghost stories. Some I've heard before. Some I haven't. The author ". . . decided to write the book as a Halifax ghost tour." And that's how I've decided to read it. He's even included maps if I need them.

So it appears I've got a good chunk of my summer activities "mapped out". Hilarious. I think the rain is getting to me.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Summers are More Fun in Costume!

Dress Up Ideas
Summer Dress Up Ideas for a Rainy Day

It's summer time and the kids are home, what better way to spend the time than dressing up in costume?

Kids have a blast playing super hero or princess and it sparks the imagination. Playing dress up is a great way to spend a rainy summer day or just stay inside and beat the heat this summer.

How about a dress up tea party play date or a superhero costumed play date? The kids will have a blast and parents will have some really great photo opportunities to share.

Boy's Dress Up Ideas:
Boys Dress Up Ideas for Summer

Girls' Dress Up Costume Ideas:
Girls' Tea Party Dress Up Ideas

Curiouser and curiouser

There are very few movies that have me counting down the days
for their release. Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland is at the top
of my list of must see on the big screen films.
Walt Disney Pictures has just released a sneak peek
of the illustrative cast of characters:
Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, Helena Bona Carter as
the Queen of Hearts and Anne Hathaway as the White Queen.
This feast for the eyes will hit the theaters March 5, 2010.

Bat Lamps?

So cute with butterflies, even cuter with bats?

I can just see these lanterns at night, glowing like sweet yellow moons and dotted with little bats cut out on black cardstock.

Oh to have endless raw project material at hand to make every project I come across and a decent camera to show them to you with!!

I'm at least going to stop by and get some straws on the way home. Little bat straws sitting in a cool glass of lemonade would be outstanding. ;)

(EDIT: check here for a nifty bat template)

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Anniversary of Sorts

Let's mark my one year engagement anniversary (and happy summer solstice) with a needlessly upset, mildly rude anonymous comment at my expense. You can read it for yourself, if you want.

Lately the blog has been neglected, and today's login was meant to make a solid post full of interesting things to make up for it in honor of 1 year of being engaged and having an adorable dog; somehow this one little comment has set me off my goal entirely. Where I was feeling ambitious there is suddenly a sinking hole of lethargy.

Strange how sensitive random things can make you when you're already down, isn't it?

I actually started to comment back to defend my post - I honestly did - before realizing, I shouldn't care much, and honestly don't when I stop to cool my temper. I'm just whining now because I don't think I've ever been accosted on my blog before, especially by someone who misses the point (and my particular brand of sarcasm) so wildly, and with the things are going in my personal life it was so much like having a strangely malformed cherry to top of the sh*t Sundae that has been my day.

Ah well; such is life.

ATC - Hocus Pocus


Saturday, 20 June 2009

ATC - The Barn Dance


Visit Our New Amazon Store for the Lowest Costume Prices!

Lowest Costume Prices

Introducing our new Amazon Store!

Featuring low, low costume prices with the same great quality and fast shipping we are known for. We have been slashing prices online all year on all of our websites. And on AnniesCostumes.net you will find even lower, closeout costume price deals!

Visit today and have some great summer fun with dress up costumes for kids that will inspire their imaginations!

I'd like to thank . . .

. . . Mr. Macabre for honouring me with an award. I'm going to need a bigger shelf for the awards I've been receiving recently. I'll add that to my list of unfinished projects.

This particular award appears to have originated with the Gourd Queen and ". . . is to be shared with anyone whose blog you just love. Whether it's their art, their interests, the things they share, you just simply love to visit their blog!"

Thank you, Mr. Macabre! I think I'm going to cry now.

According to Mr. M, this is what you do:1~Accept the award then post it on your blog with the name and link of the person's blog who shared this award with you. 2~Explain the award. 3~Then share the award with at least 10 blogs that make you SCREAM! Please tell what makes their blog so special to you. Be sure to let them know they have received the award. Also you can share this award again if you run across more bloggers that make you SCREAM!

Hmmmm . . . ten blogs. After receiving my last award, I hesitated over this part. And the zombie chickens have already begun to peck through my walls. This time, I'll try to stave off any unfortunate consequences by passing the award along.

I read and enjoy most of the blogs on Mr. Macabre's list. So in the interest of avoiding award duplication, I'll select ten others.

1~ My Ghoul Friday
2~ Rabid Reflections
3~ Grim Hollow
4~ The Drunken Severed Head
5~ Ghostly Pumpkins
6~ The Hallowe'en Tree
7~ The Shabby Hag
8~ Dark Destinations
9~ Magikal Seasons
10~ The Art of Darkness

These are blogs I read daily. Or whenever they post something. Whichever comes first. They never fail to brighten (or darken) my day.

If your blog is not on the list, it doesn't mean that I don't love you. I do. Really. I just picked ten whose posts have appeared recently in my reader. Please believe me. I don't want to have to join Mr. Macabre under the bridge of homelessness.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Even Witches Like Summer...

Isn't she a cutie. Please feel free to save and use this fun, retro witch as you'd like. I will be taking a bit of a Summer break. I will continue to occasionally post new art but I'm going to try to enjoy a little more sun for awhile. Fall is just around the corner and I'll be in full Halloween production very soon. Happy Summer everyone!

when good ideas go bad

I was searching through a favourite recipe book recently. Looking for an old favourite to send to Mr. Macabre. I found the recipe. And on a nearby page, I found this photo.

There was a time when I saw this photo as the solution to a Halloween costume dilemma. My daughter wanted to be a ghost. Nothing elaborate or grotesque. Just a standard, basic, white- sheet ghost. In retrospect, she may have watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown a few too many times that October and was feeling inspired by the costumes. But no matter. A ghost was a traditional choice and certainly an improvement over Barney the dinosaur or a giant M&M. So I was happy to oblige.

My sewing skills are almost non-existent. But then I saw this photo (and accompanying instructions) and felt that this was a costume that even I could handle. I excitedly purchased a white sheet, white gloves and white make-up.

And that's when things began to go downhill.

My daughter has never liked the feel of Halloween make-up on her face. Nothing. Not even a little. She could not be persuaded. The white face make-up was out. But luckily, she had a back-up plan. She would simply put the sheet over her head and cut holes in it. (There was that Charlie Brown influence again.)

On went the sheet. Out came the scissors. Holes were cut. But not nearly big enough to walk safely through a dark neighbourhood. A little bigger. A little bigger. Perfect.

And that's how a simple yet brilliant costume idea ended up like this.

She was thrilled. And that's all that really matters. Right? Charlie Brown would have been proud.

Halloween Party Favors


Halloween Party Favors now available in my Etsy Shop!

Thursday, 18 June 2009

they're out for blood


They've arrived.

And they're looking for you.

Flies. Evil plant-eating bugs. Anything unfortunate enough to stumble into their path.

You can run. You can fly. But you can't hide.

They're coming for you.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Halloween ATCs for TRADE - New ATCs Added

Group 1. A - I (top left to bottom right) Traded: B, G,
Group 2. A - I, top left to bottom right

I am putting these 18 Halloween ATCs up for trade. If you are interested please email me at: jeffandkris92@msn.com and note which group and which letter with a description so I don't get the wrong one. It does not have to be for another Halloween ATC...it can be any theme you've got. I've found that with this Halloween blog, I end up with many ATCs and need to move a few out. Thanks! - Kris
***International trades welcome!***





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